Have been paid twice now by Get Paid Daily. Kind of fun surf and then they pay you. No requesting payouts and it does help to be able to get your seed money back quickly. Lets hope they are able to keep running for awhile.
Got my first payment last night from Good Morning Profit. Now they will pay you daily but you need at least $3 minimum to cash out. So lets hope the same holds true for this site also.
Forum Traffic has extended the Anniversary special to Sunday so if you want the 3.9% for 30 days you have until then to get in. Also I do not believe I mentioned this but you can only cash out 2 times a week in this program.
Another reminder about Silver Mazmua Valt. New program taking sign ups now but can not invest in until the 5th. They will accept sign ups until they reach 500 and then they are closing to new sign ups for a while. This program will pay 2% for 365 days.
Have been hearing a few rumors about ESP-AP but nothing to report on as for now they are just rumors.
Just got paid from Easy Share Profit STP.