Get Paid Daily did not make any instant payments today. I do not know if it was a problem with the program of what as Alert Pay is up.
Just received a mail from Get Paid Daily that said that the problem with the instant payments was fixed and all payments were caught up. He also said something about only surfing 10 sites a day to be paid on expiry. Do not do that surf your 12 credits (24 sites) a day to get your instant payment. He is starting to struggle and is trying to keep the site going by not having to pay out instantly.
Obeseverkeer is still propagating the net. Got a alert from Fatsumo and he has a small mess on his hands with the server change seems that some people that were able to surf were credited twice so he is sorting things out and will get back to us. He has shut off the surf, withdrawl, and upgrade link for right now until he gets thing sorted out.
I was paid last night/today from.
Surf Reborn received some referral commissions
Genius Funds my first cash out.
Easy Share Profit SP paid me again
Get Paid Daily paid me for today's surfing after I sent in a support ticket.