Saturday, June 6, 2009

Right now is a real tricky time in the auto surf business. Seems to be more scam sites starting than honest ones. One site that I had told you not to join has came to the end of the first ad packages and suddenly had to go on a trip. Classic excuse for not paying. I personally know that one of the programs I am in the Admin. is on a trip and has not missed one payment.

So before you join any sites right now double your efforts on your research first. If for any reason you do not feel comfortable with it do not join. Right now when I see a new site has started I wait until later in the day before I even think about joining. That gives me a chance to do as much research on it as possible before I jump in.

I was paid last night/today from.
Surf Reborn some referral commissions
Treckswana also paid me some referral commissions.