First off today I was asked to post this picture. This guy is a know scammer and is in the process of doing it again. There is no name mentioned just want you to see his pic. Now if you want more information on this go here.
PAC Revenue Share has put on the forums that they should be back up and running hopefully today sometime.
Wind Fall Hits posted earning yesterday and once again were over 18% for the week. Now each windfall is worth $10 and they pay per windfall and the best part is that there is no 50/50 rule and your windfalls never expire.
Ad-Ventures4U has sent out numerous updates and they are running a little behind on payments schedule but it will happen.
PAC Revenue Share is back up and running. Payments are being made and starting tomorrow all deposits will have a 5% bonus until Saturday. Also until Saturday the minimum first deposit will be $5 again. So if you want to start now is the time as the minimum has dropped until Saturday.
I was paid today from PAC Revenue Share